The Importance of Feeling Comfortable at a Photoshoot

Are you nervous about your upcoming photoshoot? Not sure about what to do with your hand or what outfit to wear? Nervous about PDA in front of a stranger? Whether it’s your first time in front of a camera or your 10th, feeling comfortable is key to achieving beautiful, natural-looking photos.

Keep reading for my 5 tips for feeling comfortable and confident.

feeling comfortable while kissing on the beach

Setting Expectations for a Comfortable Session

Communicate with your photographer before the photo shoot. Make sure to communicate your goals, preferences, and concerns with your photographer. Let them know if you have any insecurities or preferences for specific poses or angles. A good photographer will listen to your needs and work with you to create a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

If you hired me as your photographer, I send out a questionnaire that helps me understand you better! I want our time to feel like friendship, and I want you to be confident in showing up and being 100% yourself.

feeling comfortable while  while flirting during golden hour

Tips for Finding the Perfect Outfit

Wearing clothing that you feel good in can make a big difference in how you feel during the shoot. Choose clothes that fit well, aren’t too tight or too loose, and aren’t too fussy or distracting. If you’re not sure what to wear, ask me! I love helping my couples pick out the perfect outfit! You can also check out my blog specifically written for outfit planning. You can also send me an email with the subject “freebie-outfit”

feeling comfortable while holding sparklers

How to Look and Feel Confident in Front of the Camera

Practicing natural poses beforehand in your session can help you feel more comfortable and confident during the shoot. Try standing in front of a mirror and experimenting with different poses and expressions. You can also look up poses and inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram. I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to some of my favorite poses.

feeling comfortable while having an intimate moment in the mountains

Calming Nerves and Staying Present During the Shoot

Use relaxation techniques if you’re feeling nervous or anxious. Techniques like deep breathing, visualization, or progressive muscle relaxation can help you feel comfortable. My style focuses on candid moments and prompted actions, so you don’t have to worry about messing up. It is my job to capture you and your most authentic self! Taking a few deep breaths before each shot can help you feel more centered and present at the moment…Sometimes, that looks like taking a shot of tequila or doing jumping jacks.

feeling comfortable while laughing with eachother

Adding Personality and Comfort to Your Photos

I loveeee props and accessories! They can help you feel more comfortable and give you something to do with your hands. Think about items that reflect your personality or interests. It could be a pair of sunglasses, a book, or something artistic like a mirror.

feeling comfortable while looking at eachother

Getting Comfortable Takes Practice, But It’s Worth It!

Remember, getting comfortable at a photoshoot takes time and practice. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re feeling a little awkward or nervous at first. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a confident and relaxed photoshoot experience!

If you have questions or want to book a session with me check out my contact page!

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